Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22, 1994

I numbered the pages of my journal beginning with the one that my folks gave me before I left to the MTC. This is the one, including the page (126, for the record) that I'm currently on today. The marks in red are my 2014 editorial comments.


Eddie and Joanne seem to be coming along great. Sister Mortensen came along with us and we recommitted them to a May 29 baptism.

The Campos' visited to go on a (a) joint teach but we got (b) lunched. 

We (c) tracted  lots and then went on (d) splits with the (e) Span-Ams.  [Elder] Taylor and I went to dinner at the Najpauer's and then visitsed Misty Cox, who [Elder] Gledhill / [Elder] Holcomb had just taught a second to. So we also helped her and talked about baptism. She feels that we are true, and was going to pray about baptism. Great girl!

We fooled the Pickitts saying Taylor was my new comp, but gave in and then found out JR was REAL late in coming home from work and was probably drinking. I hope not. 

That's our day!


(a) A "joint teach" is when a member or entire family from church joined us while we were teaching an investigator. 

(b) Getting "lunched" is a common term we used in the mission field. It simply means the person canceled or failed to show up for our appointment.

(c) Going door to door knocking, which is actually uncommon these days in the domestic LDS Church full-time missions.

(d) "Splits" is when members of the local congregation. My companion Elder Taylor went with Elder Gledhill's companion while my companion, Elder Holcomb, joined Elder Gledhill. 

(e) Span-Ams were missionaries assigned to the Spanish-speaking families and neighborhoods. We were both serving in Allentown and on occasion, worked together with bi-lingual families. There was an English-speaking Ward (local congregation) and a Spanish Branch (smaller-sized congregation) in Allentown while I was there.

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