Saturday, June 21, 2014

June 21, 1994

6/21 -

We left for Media this morning. I paid for the person behind me at the toll booth. We drove to a Broomall member, Sister Pittner's home to use the restroom.

So then Powell led me to a Bridal Shop where she works and she told us about Maybe and how he is touring the mission. Then she gave us money to buy lunch and wanted us to use her car to visit members in the area and in Pottstown! I wouldn't do it, but Powell said he would. She told us we could follow each other closely. I could not believe it and told her it wasn't going to happen, just as Elders Folkman + Langham walked in.

They took off to get a bite to eat and as we followed them, and as I was changing lanes, an oncoming car passed by, sending me fishtailing into a curb.

The car was towed and we spent the afternoon in the Mission Office. The cop told me no citations would be filed. Nobody's fault.

I told Elder Jagerson about Sis. Pittner and Elder Ward. I hope they tell her she needs to repent!

Jagerson + Ward took us home. They are great AP's.

So we drove our bikes out tracting and from there we talked to a great guy Alan who is from Wyoming and had a great chat with him, and saw the DiFeo's before we came home. What a day it has been.

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