Saturday, October 25, 2008

Election Day 2008: Governor and Senate Races

Enjoy a sneak peek at the candidates running for Governor and Senator throughout the USA. I am for a wide variety of candidates running for office this year. Obviously, I can only vote where I live, but I still respect and admire men and women from both major political parties. While I am strongly in favor of the Obama/Biden ticket for the Presidency, my independent leanings in general, don't have me full sway one direction or the other.
Some of the candidates I'd like to see get elected, and are featured in the montage, include Republicans:
  • Senator Susan Collins of Maine
  • Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota
  • Senator Thad Cochran of North Carolina ("A lawyer by training and a brilliant one, Cochran is one of the true masters of Senate rules. He negotiates, he argues, he convinces - but he doesn't soapbox. That approach has made him one of the most effective and respected senators of either party.")
  • Senator Dick Zimmer of New Jersey
  • Governor John Hoeven of North Dakota ("Hoeven's record of business and income growth over the past several years.")
  • Senator Gordon Smith of Oregon ("From the hate crime legislation he cosponsored with Ted Kennedy to his recent leadership in overturning U.S. travel restrictions on the HIV-positive, he expresses his firm Mormon faith with good works.)

Just to name a few.

I am also eagerly supportive of Democrats including:

  • Senator Tim Johnson of South Dakota ("Johnson's a workhorse, not a show horse. Despite the obvious political incentives to do so in this deeply red state, Johnson has never betrayed his center-left principles but has, to his great credit, forged working relationships with its conservative leaders. He also returned to the chambers in 2007 after a devastating stroke; if anyone ever questioned his devotion to his job, that act surely silenced them.")
  • Senator Rick Noriega of Texas
  • Senator Mark Warner of Virginia ("Republican John Warner is retiring, and the election to replace him is ex-governor v. ex-governor. The winner will likely be Warner. As governor he cut taxes, increased revenue, and plowed the proceeds into education. Virginians hope for more of the same.")
  • Governor Christine Gregoire of Washington ("In 2004, Gregoire won this seat over Rossi in the closest election in state history - the difference was 129 votes out of the nearly three million cast. The rematch shouldn't be as close, as Gregoire's made gains on desperately needed improvements to the state's transportation infrastructure.")
  • Governor Joe Manchin III of West Virginia
  • Senator Mark Begich of Alaska
  • Senator Mark Udall of Colorado ("Udall is one of the America West's true champions. He is the son and philosophical heir of the late, great Mo Udall, and like his dad he balances pragmatic policies toward the region's resources with dedication to the protection of individual freedoms. Aside from his friendship with Jack Abramoff, Udall's opponent, Bob Schaffer (a former congressman), is thoroughly undistinguished.")

I am very passionate about politics. I'm a fan of it like I am sports. I try very hard to know my stuff and keep up with the issues. I make sure to hear both sides of every issue. I've learned in my 34 long years on earth (not exactly an old geezer, eh?), and having started to raise two children, and working in the public education system for the past 10 years, that there are many layers and sides to every issue. It's important to develop our own identity and set of core beliefs and values politically, religiously, socially, economically, educationally, physically. One thing I know for sure - I have a LONG stinking way to go to get where I'd like to be!

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