I gladly accepted their magazines, though, I'm pretty sure I did not actively look through them. They must have sat on the stairs and then wound up getting recycled. But they faithfully returned last month, and then this morning, we got another knock at the door.
Betty and Lila were here.
Instead of inviting them in to our crazy house which was not on my mind to begin with, I stepped outside and we got reacquainted. This time I came clean and mentioned to them that one of the reasons we get along so well is because my family also has a faith, and that as a young man of 19-years I left my home to serve a mission in Pennsylvania. I can relate to the idea of going door to door and through the years, I have made a few close friends who happen to be Jehovah's Witness. I told Betty and Lila that while we have many things that are different, what is more important to me is focusing on what we have in common. The idea of service, loving your neighbors, reading the scriptures, loving God: these are truths we have in common and can build a relationship around, even if we don't attend worship services together; even if other beliefs about the world and even details about our faith are wildly opposing.
So we had a wonderful conversation again this morning out front and I accepted the January edition of their publications. I am thinking that next month I might get an extra copy of the Ensign and Liahona from the Beehive Clothing store by the temple to share with them.
I remind Betty (the older of the two) of her nephew. She seems sweet. Lila seems a bit more militant and she knows her scriptures inside and out. However, it was funny because the first scripture Betty brought up was in Daniel 2:44-45, which is a good old Scripture Mastery about Nebuchadnezzar's dream revealed to Daniel and the "stone cut without hands." Basically, the gospel is to cover the Earth in the latter days.
We found many things in common and have built a little relationship that I think I'm going to look forward to each month. I am definitely not interested in inviting them in to the house for a "Bible lesson" and was very frank about that with them. Who knows what will happen? I know they mean well and they're out trying to do good in the world. All I know is, my "Betty and Lila" time is special. =)
(The noise you hear is Kari groaning in the background.)
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