This is the kind of shameful, perverse advertising that John McCain and his campaign have been running about my candidate of choice, Barack Obama. I am eager for our country to turn to a better, brighter future with the leadership of Barack Obama. Continuing on the sad, depressing course our country is currently on economically, educationally, and militarily for the next four years offers a bleak outlook for the United States of America.
Apparently, John McCain's famous line about losing an election over losing a war can now read somewhat differently: "McCain would rather lose his integrity than lose an election."
The flash-in-the-pan "Railin" Sarah Palin and her running mate, "Fiasco" John McSame as Bush will, hopefully, see the sun set on their campaign as we usher in better days ahead with Obama and Biden.
I've voted for both parties in my 16 years of eligibility. But I am more sure now than ever before, that casting my vote (in a state which will see all of it's electoral votes go to Obama anyhow, by the way!) for Obama is definitely the way to go.
Let's just hope that the rest of the country sees beyond their limited, closed-minded party platforms and votes based on the candidate who best represents our country! That would clearly be Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
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