Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I've been doing plenty of reading for the upcoming election. My students are also busy reading away in their weekly "Scholastic News" magazines. With this week's edition I received a helpful poster explaining the 2008 election by the numbers in all major races: House, Senate, Governors, and the Electoral College. I think it's great to educate ourselves as well as tomorrow's generation about how the system works. Or doesn't.

Did you realize that while you and I get to vote for President, the Electoral College actually has the final say-so? And in 48 of 50 states, it's winner-takes-all with the Electoral Votes? Do you know how many Electoral Votes your state gets? And remember, no matter how many votes your favorite candidate gets, if his/her opponent gets just 1 more, they not only get their Electoral Votes, but are entitled to yours as well.

So, I've got this poster up in the classroom and by November, the kids will be fully aware of how either John McCain (please God no) or Barack Obama (please God yes) will be elected President of the USA.

Enjoy the slideshow and don't forget to VOTE!

1 comment:

Jen Bloggs said...

Alex, don't forget to have your students vote too!
