Mar. 16th - Tracting. Tracting. Tracting. Seems like all we do! This week has been so frustrating. We didn't get in at all today.
We did talk to Alexis, a student at Temple Univ. He was banged up from a car accident. Screws in his leg and all. Ouch! Very nice. He'd been through SLC and all. Plus, we met a nice lady, Carol Lane, who wants us to please call her.
We enjoyed service this afternoon. Kelly is always so nice to me. I enjoy her friendship. And the children played with water balloons today.
We had Pizza Hut for dinner with the Roach's tonight, and later visited with Marie Goff for a little while. She's real sweet, but her commitment to the church is suffering.
I finally talked to Andrea tonight. She has changed so suddenly. She seemed so uncomfortable. I don't quite think that she knows or knew what she got herself into. She was so sweet, but how she has ever changed.
Chelsea called tonight, too. She's always been sweet.
I have just learned so much about myself and relationships on my mission: whether it be with my family, girls, investigators, friends. Who and how to trust and build relationships. It's almost a depressing subject. Oh well ... I am here to SERVE the Lord. I love Him and I am six months to work hard!
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