Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 17, 1995

Mar. 17th - Happy St. Patrick's Day. Seems like a week ago or so that i was with E. Crowther. Time is flyin' by.

Actually, this morning was Dist. Dev Mtg. I made the program at Graeme's. E. Barney was up on splits with E. Gillespie.

The new sister, Deanna Buck, and S. Boyter gave a great workshop on confirmation. And E. Barney, Olson and I won big on the skills game. Good DDM.

Sis. Wirth treated us to lunch and I picked up my suit jacket and turned in another at Today's Man in Montgomeryville. That was nice of her.

E. Olson and I dropped off the BofM Reader to Lori Ottey tonight.

We have felt so frustrated this whole week. We've been so anxious to teach and have bared our afflictions in patience. Blessings do come to those that are obedient and patient. I hope something happens soon.

After a corned beef dinner at the Camp's home, I called Pres. Brown and told him of my emotions "so much opposition all at once," he said. "Something good is about to happen in your area." I know it will.

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