Mar. 18th - This morning, E. Olson and I tracted and tracted. We helped Robin move a couch into room at Graeme's shop with Mike Bement and S. Bement.
This afternoon, we ate at McDonald's before heading to a neighborhood to do yet even more tracting.
We were invited in by Dory, an older, very healthy lady. Her son in idaho is LDS and teaches religion. And she has read the Book of Mormon before.
I told her that I would tell her a story and that it was true. I then proceeded to tell her the Joseph Smith story and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.
She sincerely committed to read the suggested assignmnet and pray by our next visit, Monday the 27th. We were so relieved to be blessed with the opportunity to visit the home of a contact to teach. The Lord is a kind Man. He smiled upon us this afternoon after a long week's worth of work. My spirituality got a great boost from bearing strong testimony!
And then we went bySharon Heries. She was not home, so we visited Joe Horner. We talked with him for 1/2 hour. Then we decided to visit Sharon once more.
She was home. And in a depressed, very somber mood. She was married for 30 years and lived in Farmington, UT, and Denver, CO, and her husband was in the bishopric. Her son served in the CT-Hartford Mission.
Two years ago, she went through a difficult divorce with her husband that really affected her testimony and activity in the church.
I then began to talk to her. Olson invited her to church. And I wanted her to realize that she wasn't alone in her problems; that people care about her and can relate to her.
We gave her a Priesthood Blessing. I spoke. The Spirit of the Lord filled me and the three of us jointly. My voice wavered and I felt overcome by the strength of the Spirit.
We embraced after the prayer. She sobbed and sobbed. It was pathetic. We love her. We need her. She needs the church. That was marvelous!
Tonight we ate seafood at the "Lobster Claw" with Graeme and Robin. Good, wonderful day!
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