Friday, March 20, 2015

March 20, 1995

We are still tracting maniacs. After taking a couple mile stroll, tracting through country this morning, we tracted throughout Plemsteadville this afternoon.

And finally we met Eddy. He restores cars. He invited us into his shop and we were able to tell him of the Plan of Salvation and coming forth of the Book of Mormon. He seemed interested in the Book. We shall [see] him within the week. He conducts very erratic schedule. It was a good discussion.

Tonight, we ate at the Roach's. We gave Janice a Thank You card for her charity. She does so much for us. I love her.

And then Olson arranged appointments at Graeme's and were then treated to Perkins for more food. He really has grown quite close to us. We love him.

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