Sunday, March 29, 2015

March 29, 1995

March 29th - P-day. E. Richins, Salima, Mathis, (Metro Dist) and E. Boren, Mooy along with us went to Pizza Hut lunch buffet. the ZL's met us there: us in our P-days, and them in white clothing.

We then drove to the Olson's and played dunk ball, which was a lot of fun!

And the rim got bent, so I suggested we chip in money to buy a new one. Some didn't like that idea. Talk about a lack of responsibility. What a bunch of spoiled brats. I'll buy the thing myself.

Well, tonight Mike Larsen ate a huge dinner with us at Graeme's with Robin. Fun!

Afterwards, we visited Lillian Gucken, and her grandson, live-in, Brandon. Because of our previous visit, they made a deal to come to Doylestown Ward, and even showed up last Sunday! How cool!

We had a great conversation. And Bro. Larsen administered to Brandon before we left. And I also gave a priesthood blessing of comfort to Lillian before we left. That was a wonderful experience.

The ZL's were upset I was in P-day clothes, so they wanted to affix a punishment of not playing basketball. Whatever.

E. Boren says he'll help pay for the rim. Cool. Gotta run, son.

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