Monday, April 6, 2015

April 3, 1995

This morning we met a wonderful Episcopalian woman tracting, and taught her out on her porch. No commitment, however, she does retain a mild interest in the programs of the church.

For the first time this afternoon, we met past investigator, Allison Simpson. She's a single mom of two little ones: Anders (4) and Becca (2). We constructed a balsa wood airplane for Anders and test flied it for awhile. Boren continued playing. All the while, I had a fascinating gospel interchange and powerful discussion with Allison Simpson.

She is a professional harpist, and played songs for us. How beautiful. How expensive.

We gave her a "homework" assignment to do the suggested readings from the BofM and to sincerely pray.

We had a closing prayer together, and she thought so highly of us playing with her children, she gave us a bag of groceries. How sweet.

We then ate dinner at Perkins with Graeme, and rushed off to Dory's for a 2nd discussion follow up. She doesn't want to change. We both did good resolving concerns and showing understanding to her. And she gave us brownies. So we'll visit her on Saturday afternoon.

We had dessert and talked with Graeme tonight before coming home.

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