Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 22, 1995

Mar 22nd - P-day. Graeme gave me change to do my laundry with and church keys to play hoops over there with. He is such a classic guy.

Elder Boren and Mooy came up to play basketball this afternoon. It was savage. Fun.

Tonight, we were stuffed with spaghetti at Graeme's with Robin.

We then proceeded to the church to meet our splits.

Bro. Bailey took Olson to the Ottey's. Ted was asking many questions from an anti-Mormon book. Bogus claims. I was glad to give Olson the chance to experience that on his own tonight. They'll meet with Ted next week, to follow up.

And Brother Larsen and I visited with Lloyd Kinzel, 27 years inactive. He has a non-member wife and children. We taught the first new member lesson with him. Lloyd gave the closing prayer. Bro Larsen is a great friendshipper to Lloyd. And I love doing missionary work with him.

Chelsea called tonight and we talked for awhile. She may come with her mom, to church, here, in 3 weeks. She is such a sweet friend.

Good night.

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