Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 23, 1995

Mar. 23rd - This morning we finally met our friend of the BahaĆ® faith. He was a prophet in 1844 who wrote many books and was supposed to unite all churches. So, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson tried in vain to teach us as we desperately tried to teach them about Christ and Joseph Smith. Needless to say, we encountered a number of concerns. We left without a commitment.

This afternoon we tracted downtown. Our appointment left a note on the door. It was a lady named Candace. She was a stopback. We'll reschedule tonight.

We stopped by a nice lady's home whose sons were selling candy as a fundraiser for their Scout troop. We each bought one and then made arrangements to visit her after Easter.

We visit Bro. Long, sick in the hospital having his gall bladder surgery. He enjoyed our company. It was good to see him.

We then had service. The children are swimming now. So E. Olson and I are watching them in the room while the rest go swimming.

We ate dinner with the Bements and shared our feelings about the Otteys. They are coming along in their investigation. But they need to stray from all the anti-material.

Tonight, I cleaned up the apartment and packed up to leave on a weekend split with E. Gilstrap, in Glenside.

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