Mar. 24th - E. Olson and I drove to Lansdale and from there, E. Boren and E. Mooy drove us to the Jarrettown Chapel for ZDM.
I gave a tracting workshop and E. Boren had a basketball skills game. And Sis. Lim gave a talk on Faith in Jesus Christ.
I got to see good ol' E. Holcomb once more at ZDM. He is in Pennypack and doing good. I really enjoyed the meeting.
And we had ZCM afterwards in which ideas for the newsletter, numbers, and Dist. Reports were discussed.
E. Gilstrap came home with me to his place. I expressed some concerns I've had and frustration with Lansdale; feelings of inadequacy in my calling. He gave me a beautiful Priesthood blessing. I just sobbed and gave him a big hug.
I played piano with Sis. Bessy and then we tracted out a nearby neighborhood. One couple talked with us for a while on their porch. I am so disappointed that so many people want facts to prove everything. What is faith anyhow, people?
E. Gilstrap is a tenacious tracter. He is very bold. Very exact. Good man. He's from Santa Rosa, CA.
And we ate dinner (Taco Surprise) with the Rochenbach family. Then we did an awesome present on the LIST program - the poem/pictures one. They started filling out names. It was very productive.
And finally, we taught the end of the 2nd disc. to a pt. member new move-in family - Chris, Brenda, and J.R. Black. The mom and daughter (Kristi) are LDS. So we had a good lesson with the father and son. They love the church. And they expressed that the time will come when they will join. I feel very strongly that they will.
Oh - and Sis. DeWolf, Sis. Cassie Bradley's old comp. from Alabama visited Sis. Bessy. Weird. Gilstrap gave her a blessing of comfort.
I got Dist. numbers done. Good night!
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