Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 26, 1995

Mar. 26th - The Zone leaders live here with an 85-year old young lady, Irene Bessey. She played the piano as I sang along tonight. She loves me, and I love her. What a sweet lady!

We arrived at church at 8am. E. Gilstrap and E. Boren attended PEC while I attended the piano in the chapel to play prelude music.

Kristi and James Black came to church. And I enjoyed the Spirit of all the meetings. Plus - Karen & Sue Usner came. E. Boren and I had dinner with them last month. Good to see some familiar faces.

After correlation meeting, E. Gilstrap wanted to lay in to Boren / Mooy about their area. I basically shared my feelings before he could do so. I stressed relying on the Lord and becoming more involved in putting work #1 and planning. E. Boren was in tears by the end. I offered the closing prayer! I gave Boren a great big hug. He deserves it. He's come a long way.s

And the single adults and the Bishop and his wife had lunch with us after church. It was delicious.

This afternoon, E. Gilstrap and I went with S. Garrison to teach Denise Mitchell. E. Gilstrap and I taught a powerful discussion and S. Garrison's testimony was also very influential. Denise was exciting and very flamboyant throughout the discussion which made me feel she may not have been as interested as it turned out that she was. Because, when it came time for me to speak on the Holy Ghost, I extended a baptismal commitment for April 30th, which she accepted, saying, "... if your church can get me from here (Earth) to there (heaven), then I'm with it. Forget all those other churches!"

I challenged her for April 30th. So I am real excited for her.

E. Gilstrap wanted to work on his awards this afternoon.

And tonight we visited with Basil Crisco, along with and in the home of Bro. Bob Garrison. It was unplanned. Basil enjoys the elders, but maybe was rushed with the lessons a bit. Numbers night.

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