April Fool's Day - 4/1/95 - We fooled everyone in the District & the ZLs this morning. E Mooy tried to cut a golf ball in half yesterday, and when he got to the inside, a liquid squirted into his eye. So he had an ophthalmologist treat it yesterday. We told everyone he was violently reacting to the treatment. It was good for a laugh.
Boren and I helped a SAVE the Earth day with the YMCA this morning. I face-painted and colored pictures with some of our friends from service. It was fun.
This afternoon, I participated in the Solemn Assembly broadcast from SLC, UT. I did feel a warm, tingling confirmation inside from the Holy Ghost that we are again being led by a living prophet, in Gordon B. Hinckley. And the new apostle is Elder Henry B. Eyring.
President Hinckley spoke last at the Priesthood Session tonight. He spoke of how our church is growing, but the focus is always on the individuals, and that their needs are always met. He has a wonderful sense of humor, a profound attitude of love and concern, and a warmth about him that I love. I consider him "my prophet." Conference has been so refreshing and invigorating.
Plus, we dropped off a video to Monica, who Gillespie / Olson taught. She isn't interested. And tonight, the Gillis' took us to a fancy Italian restaurant. Yummy. Good night. Daylight savings.
Oh - and Martin Maroszek was baptized as are his children soon going to be. Plus ... the ACME checker, Dianne Haslem (Judy Buckley's pretty friend who came to see her baby blessed) is now investigating to be baptized. I am so thrilled. How that blessing changed their lives. What a great blessing! I found out this good news from Janette Walker, who wrote to me today, as did Rach Poindexter.
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