Wednesday, April 1, 2015

March 31, 1995

Mar. 31st - The ZLs picked up $ for our Zone shirts today at DDM. Elder Olson gave a great workshop on teaching without discussion booklets. After which we did role-playing and evaluation. Then Elder Mooy led us in a disc. mastery skills game.

After DDM, Mooy, Boren, and us ate at McDonald's before Olson went with Mooy to Lansdale. Boren came with me! I'm glad to be with my main man again! We tracted downtown and talked to one real nice lady, Gabrielle, who is a friend of Jerry & Jo Quick.

Boren and I stopped home for a moment. Holly sent me a tape! So, we listened to it and talked for a moment.

We dropped the BofM at Misty's home. Then we dropped the 2nd disc. study guide at Dory's home, before making copies at Graeme's. 

Then we ate dinner, piano at the Gillis'. They were visiting some friends tonight who they are preparing for the discussions.

Boren and I got ice cream, hit the Christian bookstore for office supplies, then came home. March is over!

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