Friday, April 10, 2015

April 10, 1995

Finished. The E. Taylor Area Book is complete. I am so proud of him. He has really added a lot to benefit this area in so short a time. We will prove to be worthy elders and effective proselyters.

We continued working at 9:30am by dropping a BofM and pamphlet on the BofM to Ed Wojokski.

And we continued to tract out the Wood Edge and Village Apartments, near Dublin. We have many stopbacks and appointments arranged, as a result.

Tonight, we continued with our Ten Step List Presents to the Dunlops. We did the poem/picture present. They'll give us their list on Sunday. We ate pizza at Italian Delight tonight. They are such a fun-loving family.

We then headed to a return appointment with Bob Stokly, in the Village Apts. His 2 children watched TV as we taught by the Spirit, a very powerful 1st discussion. He expressed a desire to learn more, and we arranged for a 2nd discussion next Monday night. What a great end to a long day's work. Good night.

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